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Facts You Should Know

PBG is not a lottery. Based on the laws of England and Wales, PBG is not classified as a lottery, given that entry is free. A random drawing for a prize (sweepstakes) is only classified as a lottery if a prize is offered based on chance and requires a purchase or a payment in order to enter the drawing.

PBG does not charge winners any fee to claim a prize. PBG will NEVER ask winners to pay any claim, admin or processing fees to PBG in order to receive a prize won.

If a delivery is required, the delivery fees are between the winner and the delivery company. Also, any taxes, fees and assessments of any governmental authority on a prize is solely the responsibility of the beneficiary.

Avoid Fake Winning Notifications


Don't pay money for processing to anyone who claims you've won.

Don't select links in unsolicited emails - even if they use a real company's name or logo.

Never respond to an email address that is not from the official PBG website and be very suspicious of addresses such as or accounts.

Processed PBG winnings can be verified on our website.

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Empowering Others Changes Lives

To help ensure your PBG emails reach you, please add the following email addresses to your Email Address Book or Safe Senders List:


PBG cannot always guarantee delivery of marketing/service emails to your inbox and anyone who experiences issues should contact their email providers in the first instance.
