Starting Unsuitable Businesses
Winning a jackpot doesn't automatically give you a good head for business. That’s why many winners who invest heavily in a business they know nothing about can often end up losing fortunes in a short space of time. Some winners have lost money because they were essentially incapable of making their chosen business a success. Others have lost money because they weren't very careful about the people they chose to get into business with.
If you win a jackpot and you want to start a business, make sure you spend time acquiring all the knowledge and skills you need to do so successfully, and be very careful when selecting the people you invite on board.
Always Saying Yes
More than 90% of jackpot winners have admitted to giving money away to friends, family members and charities. Unfortunately, some people always say yes, and that can lead to them giving away the entirety of their wealth rather quickly.
Consider setting a limit on the maximum amount they will share with others. Although always saying yes makes a jackpot winner very popular in the short term, it is a habit that can backfire quite nastily if they allow it to.
Going Overboard
A surprising number of winners have found themselves in financial difficulties simply because they have gone overboard when spending their wealth. No amount of money lasts forever if it isn't well managed, and in today’s world it is very easy to quickly spend several million pounds on homes, cars and holidays. If you don’t keep an eye on the amount you spend, you may well wake up to find yourself in debt, and end up having to sell some or all of your previous purchases just to get back to where you were before winning.
The moral? Exercise modesty when spending your winnings, and make sure you set aside a large chunk of money for the future.
None of us like to dwell on stories of big winners who end up going broke, but they do serve as valuable warnings for those of us who have yet to win. If you are lucky to be one of the next 9 winners, be sure to avoid making the mistakes outlined here!